May 23, 2013

Tips on how one can come up with a brand name

Brand name refers to the brand element that may be a sign, symbol, image, writings or color stream that helps customers in differentiating or distinguishing between different competitor’s products. Companies such as Microsoft have used their brand names that have enabled them to build a great great customer base and relationship.

 Coca Cola as a fresh drink manufacturing company have used its brand name for decades of years and that meaning for one to create a brand name should be consistent and patient if it does not work well in a short run wait may be it will work out in long run. For example I sat advertspan and it took me like a month without anybody visiting my site but in a period of a half month I managed to track 1000 people on ma site not bad for a new blogger very green on tips of SEOS and extra.

(a)It is essential to recognize the role of brand within the corporate branding strategy and the relation of brand to other brand and products. It is also essential to understand the role of brand within entire marketing program as well as a detailed description of niche market must be considered. 

(b)Generation of numbers of names – there are many potential source of names that can be used; organization, management and employees, current or potential customers, agencies and professionals. 

(c)The brand name should not be over designed this will make it clear and remember our natural things are always better do not over design your brand name.

(d)The brand name should be reflecting the value use and quality of the product or service like apple brand on its computer it’s of fine graphics, looks cool and not so much over designed, this brand name will create customer loyalty to your product or service.

(e)The brand name should be pleasing, inspiring when one speaks of it aloud, and these brand names should be short, distinct and easy to spell such as Amazon, advertspan and extra.

(f)The brand name should be flexible so as it may in future be changed with little changes and this living no change in customer base. Through this a company will be able to use this in extension of new invented product using the same brand name or with little changes. 

In conclusion management can finalize the brand name that maximizes the organization’s branding and marketing objectives and then formally register the brand name hence this increasing the customer awareness and publicity of the product awareness.
Kyomugisha Brian

May 2, 2013

All people in the world are provided with all the freedom and all the opportunity to accumulate wealth that any honest person may require.
“To success you have to create like a god, command like a king and work as a slave.”
Riches are not for degree,masters,or PhD holders, but rather to me we all share the same opportunity to acquiring riches, its natural, a local people who have never gone to school may own a firm and employees PhD holders. Henry ford started ford motors while he was uneducated great man of that time he “I can get all the knowledge I like simply by employing those who posses them”.
Local African people can make money, can improve their standards of living, they can depict a modern life.
Yellow eagle Uganda “Solar suppliers” and a setup for charity offers to local people, believe that a way to improve people’s standards of living can be achieved by availing with them an import asset that is power or electricity. Most governments in the eastern sub continent  have tried to campaign for rural electrification strategies but due to low resources available they have done little to them the deep remote areas and this have made a dwindling state of poor standards of living.
The areas that have got hydroelectricity in their home faces a lot of challenges such as expensive payment bills, unreliable  and load shed being a talk of the day many young entrepreneurs who cherries power as a main resource in their production have made loses and rendering their business inevitable.
For instance the few who have installed hydro power they receive power in three or four days a week and this have proved a challenge to people who depend much on power.
The Emergency of Solar Power.
Emerging entrepreneur, homes, have welcomed and indeed embraced solar energy.
Yellow eagle Uganda is a company that started far back in 2007 and their aim is to bridge the  gap between international manufacturers of solar energy  and local people. Yellow eagle Uganda have done a lot in supplying quality solar panel and offer installation in most rural areas to people who have no expertise about this. And yellow eagle Uganda is the official sponsors of this page.

What have people gained from this organization?
Though the company‘s biggest challenge is resources and patterns to help work for a betterment of the world people it has managed to a lot , with collaboration with people it has availed solar energy gadget at friendly prices to people and through this local people in the albertin region of Uganda where the organization  have so far took firm operation  about 25% have opted to use solar power, people witness the gradually changing trends of standards of living in their areas.
Promotional offers to people have gave them a chance to buy in installments, and yellow eagle have extended solar loans through collaboration with some local banks where salary earners like teachers, security guards, local farmers have gained much. With this innovation we believe people are like buying medication to their lives which have been on stake for some time. A case in point people in Uganda still use thread candles locally known as “omunaku tadoba” meaning poor never run sort of ideas that this one can work for them according to their situation. However this candles produce a lot of toxic smoke that have caused lung cancer to people and other health problems and this yellow eagle believe is the one of the biggest income consumer in countries like Uganda, Kenya and extra. Millions of dollars are being spent through cancer institute’s hence lowering service delivery and hence suffering s. But all in all we thank the government for lowering importation costs of solar gadgets and its our prayer that let them completely remove this tariffs for a give specified period.
In conclusion, if yellow eagle alone can do this why not you and you and you if we join our hands together, we need your support contact us at and blog us at