May 23, 2013

Tips on how one can come up with a brand name

Brand name refers to the brand element that may be a sign, symbol, image, writings or color stream that helps customers in differentiating or distinguishing between different competitor’s products. Companies such as Microsoft have used their brand names that have enabled them to build a great great customer base and relationship.

 Coca Cola as a fresh drink manufacturing company have used its brand name for decades of years and that meaning for one to create a brand name should be consistent and patient if it does not work well in a short run wait may be it will work out in long run. For example I sat advertspan and it took me like a month without anybody visiting my site but in a period of a half month I managed to track 1000 people on ma site not bad for a new blogger very green on tips of SEOS and extra.

(a)It is essential to recognize the role of brand within the corporate branding strategy and the relation of brand to other brand and products. It is also essential to understand the role of brand within entire marketing program as well as a detailed description of niche market must be considered. 

(b)Generation of numbers of names – there are many potential source of names that can be used; organization, management and employees, current or potential customers, agencies and professionals. 

(c)The brand name should not be over designed this will make it clear and remember our natural things are always better do not over design your brand name.

(d)The brand name should be reflecting the value use and quality of the product or service like apple brand on its computer it’s of fine graphics, looks cool and not so much over designed, this brand name will create customer loyalty to your product or service.

(e)The brand name should be pleasing, inspiring when one speaks of it aloud, and these brand names should be short, distinct and easy to spell such as Amazon, advertspan and extra.

(f)The brand name should be flexible so as it may in future be changed with little changes and this living no change in customer base. Through this a company will be able to use this in extension of new invented product using the same brand name or with little changes. 

In conclusion management can finalize the brand name that maximizes the organization’s branding and marketing objectives and then formally register the brand name hence this increasing the customer awareness and publicity of the product awareness.
Kyomugisha Brian