Sep 30, 2013

How to build customer relationship

Learn How Customers are an asset in a business strategy
 Kyomugisha Brian, 

Customers are the assets that business needs to flourish or run smoothly therefore managers have challenge to build customer relationship to release profits and achieve the organizational goals. Managers are advised to think or fore look and appreciate the new inventions and changes in IT tools which are vital today in building customer relationship.

Managers should think about building customer relation so as to avail needed answers to customer queries and product information that has become an important resource as the 4Ms (money, machines,  materials, men) and you are advised to do this through this definite ways:

(a)Customer relationship management software;  

This is dedicated software that tracks customer’s comments and other products queries. Se more at . These software according to the existing record they have helped a lot of companies to build a magnitude of customers due to the fact that the system tracks customers needs, supply projection ,and extra.

(b)Building customer user experience driven;

 Managers should build websites that have high customer user experience (CUX) that gives much care to customer’s questions and feedback for different products where they fill like they find a problem. However other companies have found it difficult to optimize their websites with search engines and I would recommend managers to use web advertising agencies and blogs such reliable sites are;
These sites are with high levels or chances for your products to be accessed by people due to the fact that they daily track a lot of traffic.

(c)Email as a backup plan to connect directly with customers; Managers apparently are recommended to embark on using to mails, a mail is fast, instant and with little or no delays in exchanging messages in the shortest time possible no matter what the proximity gap.  More than one support mail accounts should be put in place for customers and checked 24/7, replying is always as gold to the receive as it sounds as kind of care, respect and active support so customer support desk should reply customers comprehensively with mails that gives hope and customer support desk should avoid these replies I got it, cool we will be in touch, thanks for your query we will embark on it soon. A mail that is wordy and not verbose of about 50 and 100 words are recommended, this gives a customer hope in your efficient customer care hence building a network of customers to your products at the same time increasing the brand integrity.

(d)Feed back forum; 

Customers use company products however how they like them but others though not all find musings. So companies should think about forums or discussions with customers where possible to give their opinion on product packaging, product branding, and extra. This helps managers to get feedback on their products effectiveness in line with a competitor’s product hence increasing production and product demand plus satisfying customer needs and wants.

(e) Self service optimization

too many delays caused by workers in offering services to their customers employees should think of other ways that customers can serve themselves such as on petrol stations, in banks by the use of automatic tell machines. Managers and their employers would reduce their costs in a short run through reducing on their number of employees and to the customer self service always serves a better option to someone and there will be little or no delays and other unplanned abnormalities.
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Hope you will love a joint info to drive you to the world of viewing your customer smiling.

Bryan Kyomugisha.
